Click here to view Nevada State Immunization Requirements





Elko County School District Medication Policy 


No prescriptive or non-prescriptive medication shall be administered to a student during school hours without the written and dated consent of the student's parent. The consent of the parent shall be valid only for the period specified on the consent form and in no case longer than the current school or program year. All non-prescription medicine to be administered to a student must be accompanied by a medication consent form.  All prescription medicine administered to a student must be accompanied by a physician's signature, and parent’s signature.

All medication must be contained in a current pharmacy labeled container with student's name, prescriber’s name, date, medication, dosage, and time to be given. Any change in type, frequency or amounts of medication will require a new medication authorization form.  Any medication taken by a student at school MUST be brought in by the parent/guardian to the school nurse. In the absence of the parent/guardian, an authorized adult may bring the medication to the nurse.

   Click here for the Medication Authorization Form



When should I keep my child home?


With the recent outbreak of the H1N1 virus, it is important for parents to keep their children home if they feel they are ill.  Below are some guidelines to follow if you feel your student may be sick:

> temperature of 100 degrees  or above ( must be free of fever for 24 hours to return)

> persistent cough or thick yellowish discharge from nose

> diarrhea or vomiting ( must be free from symtoms for 24 hours)

Parents should contact your school nurse if you have any doubts or concerns. Please refer to the home page for detailed information about the H1N1 virus.


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